Sunday, August 9, 2009

Technology and Commercial Art

You can’t do better design with a computer, but you can speed up your work enormously.
— Wim Crouwel

One of the benefits to being a student in a graphic design class is that you get to use technology to create designs. The internet is a vast resource of imagery and I love the avenues that have been built for art and communication. As a teacher, I can easily show you how something simple can develop into complex and functional commercial work. For example, the 2-d digital pattern on the left transposes onto a 3-d object, or a chair.

I spent time this summer enjoying life, but I also reflected on what worked well in commercial art as well as what needed improvement. One thing my students taught me is that they all want to create unique designs while also learning as much about the software technology as possible.

Download the following open source/freeware programs this week so you can begin mastering the basics of image editing at home. These packages will be supplemental to the Adobe software you will learn in class.
Drawing Software
Photo Editing Software
Screen Capturing Sofware
After downloading, complete the following tutorial from you tube.
Submit a beginning stage screencapture, a screencapture of the shield before the shape is on it and a final screen capture with a shape on it. Post the screen captures to your homework file.